- For residents living north of State Hwy 153 - recycling is collected each Thursday, with adjustments for some holiday weeks. (Please refer to the annual calendar.)
- For residents living south of State Hwy 153 - recycling is collected each Friday, with adjustments for some holiday weeks. (Please refer to the annual calendar.)
- Recycling charges are billed as a special charge on the annual property tax bill.
- Harter's provides a 95 gallon recycling cart (green lid) to each household.
- Recycling carts should be placed curbside by 6:00 a.m.
- Recyclables are "Single-Streamed" which means that all recyclables can be co-mingled for collection. No need to sort!
- Plastics #1 & #2 only may be included for recycling.
- Containers to recycle include aluminum cans, tin cans, and container glass.
- Fibers to recycle include newspapers, magazines, junk mail, phone books, cereal boxes, and corrugated cardboard.
- Cardboard containers MUST be broken down to fit inside your recycling cart.
NO garbage, plastic grocery bags, styrofoam, ceramics or dishes, food waste, motor oil containers, light bulbs or hazardous waste containers.
Plastic bag recycling - Most clean & dry polyethylene (PE), labeled as #2 & #4, plastic bags & film are accepted for recycling at the Village office and Stratford Family Foods.