Tree City USA
Keep an eye out for the new Tree City USA signs surrounding Stratford!
Tree City USA is a national recognition program that began in 1976 and is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and National Association of State Foresters.
Stratford is now one of more than 3,400 American communities with this special recognition. These communities benefit daily from the cleaner air, shadier streets, and aesthetic beauty that healthy, well-maintained urban forests provide.
Properly placed and maintained trees can boost property values by 7-20%.
Trees clean the air by absorbing pollutants that trigger asthma attacks and other health problems.
Tree canopies can reduce stormwater runoff by as much as 65%, which reduces flooding.
Studies have shown that a tree planted today on the west side of a house can reduce energy bills by 3% in only 5 years and by 12% annually in 15 years.
Research has consistently shown the positive impact trees have on people, including worker satisfaction, students’ ability to concentrate, faster healing time for hospital patients, and lower blood pressure among senior citizens.
The presence of trees has even been found to reduce crime by providing inviting places that promote positive social interaction.
Visit the Tree City USA website for more information!
Don’t forget to nominate an outstanding tree in Stratford to receive our Champion Tree Award!
Is there a Stratford tree you love that’s especially tall, colorful, shady, or unique? Pick up a nomination form in the Village office or find it below. Each year our Tree Advisory Board selects a winning tree to be featured on our Champion Tree display in the Village office and receives the travelling trophy for one year - a championship style belt!