• For residents living north of State Hwy 153 - garbage is collected each Thursday, with adjustments for some holiday weeks.  (Please refer to the annual calendar.)
  • For residents living south of State Hwy 153 - garbage is collected each Friday, with adjustments for some holiday weeks.  (Please refer to the annual calendar.)
  • Roll-out garbage carts must be placed curbside by 6:00 a.m.
  • Weekly garbage MUST fit inside your cart!  The garbage truck uses a lift-arm to dump the garbage carts.  Over-filled carts do not dump properly and may leave a garbage mess in front of your home.  
  • Residents should remove emptied carts from the curb in a timely manner.
  • Report damaged carts (broken wheels, missing lids, etc.) to the Village Clerk at 715-687-4166.  
  • Carts damaged due to resident's negligence will be replaced with a $75 charge to the property owner.
  • Garbage bag stickers may be purchased at the Village office ($1.50 each) for the occasional weeks that you have excess garbage.
  • Garbage collection services are billed as a special charge on the annual property tax bill.